Josh Rodd's software
FIXPERMS 1.01: Resets ownership and permissions to normal Windows 7 defaults for a domain-joined machine.
passwordsanity 1.01: Generates a list of commands suitable for pasting into SQL*Plus to eliminate password history.
sshpass 1.06 (statically linked): A build of sshpass 1.06, statically linked for Linux x86_64, ready to easily run on your system with just a single file.
split_file 0.2: Splits a file into multiple pieces with checksums.
bencode_py3: A version of the bencode Python module ported to work in both Python 3 and 2.
mll: A utility to find the maximum line length of very large files with very long lines.
QRunner: A Python module for running lots of processes concurrently.
mockdevices: A Python module for mocking network devices like a Cisco ASA.